Joy in suffering does not devalue the grief we go through in difficult times. The joy I have is a deep faith in God. It is in faith that I respond with joy.
Every day since our family’s decision to walk in obedience, we have had to say goodbye to something of seemingly great value.
There is so much pain that comes with it. Living in the unknown is the hardest of it all.
Through setbacks, difficulties, and choices… through grief and tribulations…
When it feels like we have nothing more to give and we are losing everything we have, I turn towards Jesus and walk in His freedom.
I am reminded in that freedom, I have never been in want. There has been miracle after miracle and victories so vast that I can speak of them for days.
He is ALWAYS there. And, where He is, so is everything we could ever need.
Our identity is in Him, our eyes are on Him, and with that….
We find joy.